Ok so like sorry I haven't posted anything in a billion years, but yes I'm still alive.
I've just been messing around a lot with FL! (I kind of hate it right now but it's better than whatever the heck I was using before so yeah)
Other news, I've teamed up with https://soundcloud.com/aussieasher Aussie Asher since acquiring FL, and he's pretty cool guy I guess. We're good buds, so if you go check him out before he dies that'd be cool, because we're starting a thing I guess probably called Cherry Bomb!
I know dumb right anyway nothing's officially official yet so sorry if I'm giving you false news, but as soon as more news happens, I'll give you guys the deets.
This means I probably won't be publishing much under the name of Pitfall for a while, unless I do more stuff on my own.
But seriously click that link he's cool.
Check him out before he dies? I sure that ain't too soon D:
Pitfall (Updated )
Don't worry, you have all the time in the world ;)